Archive | May 2004

A clear night – after all that rain!

night was fantastic, the Moon was really bright and wow it was so clear.
I went to look for Comet C/2001 Q4 (NEAT), I think I saw it – unfortunately
the night sky around Selly Oak is quite bright so was not able to see
any structure – will need to go and get a telescope on it I think.

, I was trying to get a good shot of the Moon but I just
couldn’t get the exposure fast enough. However I did take this quite
cool one with a plant in the foreground – only reason it is visible
is because I left the flash on – woops!

Moon and Plant

The day after tomorrow is, well it is Tuesday!

have to say I don’t see many films which makes me go wow due to the
effects, but this one was fantastic! The story itself was good, it was
slightly long they did scenes that did not need to be there and was
a bit to unrealistic – not the weather (well what happened seems at
the extreme side), but I mean how they got out of things. I will stop
now I don’t want to reveal the plot to anyone – that would be awful.
I hate that happening to me. OK verdict – good film, great effects.
Would I see it again, yes. Would I say go see it, yes!

No work to do, what do I do now!

I just have nothing to do really today, it feels oddly strange. Next
week I am gonna be busy preparing for the Venus
and countless parties and nights out, great fun!

though is a different matter, I just put away a whole years work – it
felt strange. This year at Uni has
gone so damn fast, has been fun and I have made some new friends this
year – some who have fast become my closest. Sometimes it feels like
I have been at Uni for just five
minutes but it also feels like I have known these people for ages, strange.

Exams, Beer and Pain!

over! My last exam for the year has been and go. It was quite a moment
for some of my friends since this was their last EVER exam – kind of
scary. I still have one year left – time to bring up the average etc.
I am really looking forward to getting into the 4th year – sounds like
lots of hard work but also very rewarding. Obviously after the exam
we all headed to Joe’s (in the Guild) and got quite a few pints into
us. Let’s just say I was a little pissed and then I even sobered up
later at the pub (the OVT)!

for pain, well I started my exams by falling down the stairs in maths,
fortunately not injuring myself at all then. Guess how I finished the
exams? By falling down the steps outside my house – not far to fall
but I quite badly twisted my ankle but I forced myself in and am on
the painkillers. Fun!

Once more into the breach!

little over 2 hours time I will be walking into my last exam of the
year! I can’t wait for it to be over, but I have to go to hell and back
before it is – a two hour general physics paper. This is going to be
hard – I bet though it can’t be as hard as yesterday’s quantum mechanics
paper which was absolutely unbelievable.

An integrated blog!

At last I have got around to what I have been meaning to do for a few
months – integrate my site layout / design with my blog. Surprisingly
it was not too hard – just had to learn what the variables of Moveable
type did then do it. I feel it looks much better and gives me the flexibility
with my design that I required.

Exams and blog!

My two exams went ok today. I thought ISM would be the worse of the
two but guess what it was the old quantum mechanics that has given me
the problems. I am sure it will all be ok though.

Oh and if you notice my blog looking weird it is because I am integrating
it into my whole site so lots of changes afoot!

Radiation and Quantum Physics SUCKS!

You might guess the exam went badly! Well it could have been worse,
the consensus was that it was hard – this makes me feel a little better.
It was in the Great Hall though and I kept hearing this ghostly noise
since I was at the front – was just the wind in the corridors around
the hall, but it was quite off putting.

Guess what I am up to now, revision for my last 3 exams, fun!

Stellar Evolution

Well another one of my better subjects is over, I think it went well.
I am quite pleased – now down to the hard revision for tomorrow’s exam

As Stellar evolution goes I just read this (
article about the formation of the Sun and the solar system, not full
on stellar evolution but just one stage – in our case quite an important
one though!

And here is the fascinating diagram that shows the formation of a low
mass star:

Trifid Nebula

Credit: NASA/Hubble Space Telescope/Jeff

Venus Transit soon

For anyone who is at all interested in Astronomy make sure you observe
the transit of Venus it is basically a once in a lifetime opportunity
and is occurring on the 8th June. See:

Today I designed the poster for Astrosoc advertising our events and
I am quite please with the title image I came up with:

Venus Transit Week